Growing up in extreme temperatures made the summers humdrum to me. Where I come from, Punjab-India, its sweltering hot so instead of being out and about one tends to become a couch potato in an air conditioned room. The only good thing about summers is devouring mangoes! Yum Yum Yum…
I find summers quite pleasant in London as compared to India because you get sun-kissed. Not that the sun in India does not want to kiss you but we don’t allow it because in my home country it becomes over passionate and leaves unappetizing hickeys.
Talking about being sun-kissed, I recently went to one of my secret spot in London to be with nature, away from the crowd – Hampstead Hill Gardens and Pergola. Its beautiful corridors with overgrown vines, hovering butterflies and exotic flowers always fills my heart with joy.
My ichigo ichie moment – I found a spot in the main corridor and played hide and seek with the sun. While in sun, I felt its warmth caressing my skin gently and blossoming my soul. I soaked it all in. Then slowly I turned to the shade. I felt the crisp chill in the air as it nipped my skin as if I have been touched by an angel.
I kept playing hide and seek for a while. The more I flirted with in sun the more I craved for shade. I felt so ALIVE in that moment.
Not sure what my son is doing though
I generally occupy a bench somewhere in the lower garden to admire garden’s grace. So, with a big grin I went ahead and sat under the shade of a towering tree which made gentle crackling sounds every time the soft cool breeze teased it. A mix of lime and emerald green grass with a back drop of patchy azure skies painted a whimsical picture.

Apart from gazing the beauty, we also love to roll on the grass, stand under the echo point and make funny noises, and dance in the sun as if no one is watching. This garden is my go to place despite the season and mood.
Share your pause-admire-reflect experiences in comments below OR find us on instagram @ichigoichielife and post your #ichigoichielife moments, we will be absolutely thrilled to read 🙂
Lets embrace our lives, our existence and be grateful